(808) 344-1724

Maui Shore Fishing Guides

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Aloha E Komo Mai!


Maui Shore Fishing Guides, LLC is the premier provider of authentic, exciting shore fishing and surf fishing excursions on Maui.  If you love to fish, have a sense of adventure, and desire to see pristine parts of Maui off the beaten path then we’re the guides for you!  We specialize in intimate guided 4, 5, or 6 hour trips for one to four anglers.  Fully insured and with safety our first priority; we fish anywhere from a beautiful white sand beach to a secluded rocky shoreline.

Maui Surf Casting Fishing

Maui offers a wide array of fish and any that bites is great!  But the prized fish here in the islands are the trevallys.  The white trevally also known as the GT or ulua, and the blue fin trevally here in Hawaii known as the omilu are the two most prized fish.  The papio is a small trevally and also a great catch.  There are 6 different varieties of goat fish that are great to catch, many different kinds of trigger fish, wrasse, barracuda, and even bone fish are just some of the fish we can catch from shore.  If you catch a good eating fish within legal limit, we’ll even filet it for you!

Your guide, Brian Edmisson has been fishing all over Maui for over 21 years and has led guided trips for more than 15.  He loves all kinds of fishing; trolling for big game fish, bottom fishing, live bait down rigging, catching kahala (amberjack) from his kayak or uku (gray snapper) from his stand up paddle board and omilu from shore!  His love affair started from very young and his passion continues to grow as he constantly seeks to find his next exciting fishing adventure.  Join him and you’re sure to have a great time experiencing the local style of fishing here in the islands.


Within the first few minutes shore fishing on the northwest side of Maui for blue fin trevally (omilu), we missed hooking up with a big one; definitely within the 10b. range. We had it on for a short time before it broke off. Then we had a good idea what kind of fight these fish give. Luckily we were able to get a second and third chance almost getting a double. Landing the big one first in the video and the smaller one shortly after. Great rod work by the angler!

Top Water Action

This beautiful thread-fin trevally (kagami ulua) is one of the most colorful and beautiful prize fish to catch from shore. This one hit a Mark White 1oz. lure 10 casts into our shore fishing trip. A great way to start the morning.









These rudder fish (nenue) get big. This one was about 4lbs. but gave an awesome fight.

Fishing From Shore in Maui

Another nice blue fin trevally (omilu) fishing from shore in Maui.  Hitting top water.  It’s super fun to see these things hit.  A powerful fish for its size.  This one was about 4lbs.

8lb. Blue Fin Trevally

Here’s about an 8lb. omilu (blue fin trevally). This fish ate a bait off the bottom and gave a really nice fight on a 12’ pole using 40lb. braid main line and 30lb. leader.

Been A While

It’s been a while since I’ve posted pictures or blogged about recent catches.  Here are a few recent ones…

This is a small omilu (blue fin trevally). I like how stark the black dots are in this picture.

Everyone’s stoked

Everyone’s stoked fishing from shore on Maui.  We were at a great location with the trade winds blowing. The water had a good fishing feeling to it. Within the first couple casts this lady angler hooks into a nice blue fin trevally, a great fighting fish from beginning to end. This gentleman angler was extremely lucky to have hooked a gray snapper (uku) which are not normally caught from shore. They are typically caught off shore which makes this catch super cool.

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What a great way to spend the morning catching many different species of fish from shore in beautiful Maui. From trigger fish to goat fish to trevally. A fun, eventful day for everyone.
Great action, great company, and amazing scenery.  This first fish is our state fish the Humuhumunukunukuapua`a.


North, Central, and South Maui

The benefits of fishing on the island of Maui is you’re never very far from a good shore fishing spot. Here’s some pics of our trips around the island. Weather you’re fishing just 50 yards from your car or a couple mile hike; amazing strikes can happen anywhere.

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Another Beautiful Day in Hawai’i Nei

Shore fishing in Maui this day the bite was on right off the bat. There was a small pack of blue fin trevally right in front of where we were fishing for the first hour. We missed 3 fish and ended up catching 3. The biggest was about 8lbs. These anglers traded action all morning. With the husband finishing the morning off with the biggest one. Giving a mean fight all the way to the end. We almost lost it on the rocks but this angler anticipated the fish’s move and was able to get it up to shore.





Fight Another Day

First bait, first cast; we caught a nice blue fin trevally. The fact that these anglers wanted to release all catches I think played a role this day. Immediately after releasing the first fish, we casted out another bait hooking a second fish right away. We continued to have great action all morning. Finishing off this awesome Maui day with a giant needle fish which put up an impressive fight as it leaped out of the water darting from side to side. Shore fishing this day we landed a total of 5 blue fin trevally, a giant needle fish, some triggers and a handful of other reef fish. We let them all go to fight another day.

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Papio Catch and Release

This was one of three papio (blue fin trevally) I caught fishing from shore that perfect Maui day.  Super fun fight.  I let him go to get him another day.

Papio and Rainbows

It’s not always a beautiful day fishing from shore in Maui. Sometimes it’s a really beautiful day!

This was one of two fish we caught and landed. Great action right off the bat. Squirrely fish up until the end. Perfect weather, perfect catch!


Bone Fish and Papio

Another fun day shore fishing on Maui!

Both of these fish were caught on the same bait.  The bone fish had a wild fight.  After it grabbed the bait it ran directly at us and we thought the fish came off.  Then it rapidly starting peeling off line and we knew we had something interesting on; something different than what we have been catching from shore.  A nice bone fish!



The Poor Man’s Marlin

This is one of the larger needle fish we’ve landed in a while.  They tend to jump off.  A good fun fight but difficult to get to shore.  The locals call them the poor man’s marlin.  This young angler did an awesome job fighting this fish on the 10′ pole and made it a Maui fishing trip to remember!


4 lb. Gray Snapper (uku)

This fish was all over the place the moment it took the bait.  Trying to get us in a crack.  Pulling it away from the crack.  Darting underneath the ledge.  Lifting it out of the ledge.  Running out to a shelf.  Then came in nice and easy.  This thing gave it all it had when it bit the bait.  The angler did a great job keeping this one from breaking off.  The gray snapper or ‘uku’ as it is called in Hawai’i is one of the most tasty fish.


Bone Fish west side Maui

6 to 7 lbs Bone Fish not sure exactly good guess caught on a 8’6” Okuma guide select and Penn 3000 class reel. Great fight Super Fun

Tricky Fish

From the moment this blue fin trevally (omilu) took the bait he was running for the rocks.  This young angler was on it though and did a great job navigating this fish up on to the rocks.  With a cave close by, the fish tried several times to go inside but the angler was able to get him out.  Great battle!


Barred Jack

Another beautiful species of trevally and a really good eating one. This species tends to hang in the shallow flats. This 4lb. fish put up a great fight even on a 10’ rod.


The One That Got Away

And that’s all I have to say about that.

Lady Luck

With no experience shore fishing in Hawaii, this lady angler caught this blue fin trevally on her 3rd or 4th cast. The fish put up a great fight on the light tackle pole. Peeling line off the reel the moment it struck the bait. Pulling about 30 – 40 yards of line off. I knew she had a nice fish on. She had no problem at bringing this one to shore. A perfect way to start the day.
